We offer you this delicious recipe from our Chef of La Geoda so that you can taste one of the most popular desserts in our restaurant. Our beloved “Brownie“. You dare?
450 grams of sugar.
240 grams of 70% of chocolate to Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie .
180 grams unsalted butter
4 eggs
180 grams of flour.
100 grams of nuts and dried fruit,
We preheat the oven to 210º.
Chop the chocolate and butter.
Put the chopped chocolate and butter in a bowl in a bain-marie and melt it while stirring slowly.
Meanwhile we beat the eggs incorporating the sugar slowly.
Finally we join both mixtures stirring in an enveloping way.
In another bowl we mix the flour with our favorite nuts and sprinkle this mixture over the previous mixture while stirring very well until it is homogeneous.
Add the mixture to a pan lined with baking paper or buttered.